Thursday, February 5, 2009

Chitato Daur Uang (Money Recycle)

I create this print ad at Dipra advertising in 2003 to promote Chitato promo. The consumer send the Chitato empty pack to get the prize 10 million (it's only a suggestion). I name it "Chitato Daur Uang". The copy in Indonesian below:

Dapetin 10 jeti atau hadah seru dari Chitato

Kirim kemasan Chitato rasa apa saja ke: PO BOX 999 JKT beserta pilihan jawaban di bawah ini:

Chitato rasa apa yag paling kamu suka?
- Rasa Asli - Rasa Sapi panggang - Rasa ayam bumbu

Selambatnya 31 Mei 2003. Daripada di buang, lebih baik di daur uang kan...!

The print ad below with the trash picture is just another idea.

But unfortunately this print ad was not approved by the clients.
Art and copy by M.Ismail. Brand tagline by Agus Faizal.

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